Are you a GP, therapist, chiropractor, health coach or even a dentist? If you have a patient or client who binge eats, and you could use some support helping them, I’m here to support you.

My expertise can complement yours. Coaching your patients or clients, I’ll help them get more benefits and more satisfying results from their work with you.

I help individuals who are below the clinical threshold of binge eating disorder and who:

  • could use some support while on your waiting list
  • want additional support while going through your program
  • have completed your program and want further follow up
  • may not be a good fit for your program.

I also help people who may meet the criteria for binge eating disorder but they are otherwise functional in their lives and are looking for a non-clinical approach to addressing their eating.

My work with trusted health care professionals, my formal education and work experience, and my 30-year battle with binge eating have made me a highly effective and compassionate coach.

  • My healing journey involved work with several health care professionals, including cognitive psychologists, naturopaths, physicians, nutritionists, and personal trainers. All provided pieces of the puzzle and sent me well on my way to resolving binge eating. The final piece came from a life coach who focused on thought work with me. I respect partnerships in health care that offer the best combination of support tailored to the specific needs of patients and clients.
  • My formal education includes a master’s degree in philosophy with a bachelor’s minor in psychology. And my work experience includes more than a decade in the mental health and addiction field, helping to develop content for clinical courses.
  • My struggle with binge eating has made me a coach passionate about helping people heal from bingeing. I know the heartache intimately. I am compassionate, experienced and knowledgeable.

My coaching programs are based on intelligent, effective coaching tools. I help clients rewire neural connections so that they’re freed from their destructive patterns. Through this work, we resolve the dissonance between how they eat now and how they would like to eat, and between where they are in their lives and what they want to create in their lives. This is the secret ingredient for helping them make changes that last without having to call on willpower—which, we all know, doesn’t work.

I offer daily access.

People who binge can have daily urges. If you only see them on a weekly, monthly, or twice-yearly basis, it can be helpful to have someone else on their health care team who’s there on an as-needed, speed-dial basis. It gives them the support they need, often beyond the bounds of what you can appropriately provide.

I help people find their way.

If you’re a chiropractor, massage therapist, dentist, or any practitioner who doesn’t work closely with people with eating disorders, but you’ve noticed that one of your patients needs that help, I can be their next step.

Working with me may be the right solution. And if not, I’ll help them find it.

I cover what you might not be able to.

You may even specialize in binge eating disorders, but perhaps only until the patient is stabilized or only up to a certain number of sessions.

I can help with the daily-life element that’s so essential to recovery—strengthening urge tolerance and managing body image concerns, shame around the bingeing, feelings of anxiety, work stress and productivity issues, social stress, and nutrition. In other words, how to . . .

Make it past the holiday party dessert table.

Confidently plan and prepare meals.

Be an adult in the grocery store, rather than a kid in a candy shop.

Survive business lunches with colleagues.

Drive past the drive-thru.

Feel more comfortable in the body they have right now.

Tune in to hunger and fullness signals, and eat with more awareness.

Experience and process emotions.

And, how to deal with Mom’s hurt eyes when they don’t want more of the lasagna she made just for them.

If these are areas where your client or patient could use help, let’s explore how my services can be the perfect companion piece to yours.

Click here to get in touch.

Or, please feel free to share this website with your client. They can book a free consultation with me here.